Grade 4 - 6 | |
Australian citizen or permanent resident | |
Not a native Indonesian speaker |
2 - 3 minutes
The theme for NAILA 2025 is ‘Sports’. Applicants may choose to present a speech on this year’s theme by answering the question “What are the benefits of engaging in sports and their communities?” OR one of the topics listed below.
Tema NAILA di tahun 2025 adalah ‘Olahraga’. Peserta dapat menyampaikan pidato yang berkaitan dengan tema tahun ini dengan menjawab pertanyaan “Apa manfaat terlibat dalam kegiatan Olahraga dan komunitasnya?” ATAU menggunakan salah satu dari topik-topik yang terpapar di bawah ini.
Achievement standard
Use of simple verbs | |
Basic vocabulary related to topics under control | |
Understanding of pronouns | |
Sounds such as ‘au’ (mau), ‘g’ (gemuk), ‘ng’/‘ny’/‘ngg’ and ‘k’ (tidak) can be pronounced | |
Can recognise and respond to basic questions (Apakah? Di mana? Kapan?) | |
Can state preferences (Saya [tidak] suka…) | |
Can create subject-focus sentences with a range of ber-verbs and formulaic me verbs | |
Can use simple possessives (Teman saya, Nama teman saya…) | |
Can describe events in time using ‘pada’ with whole numbers and days of the week | |
Conjunctions (dan, karena and tetapi) under control |
You have an Indonesian exchange student visiting your school. Tell them about the sports you watch or play in school
Anda memiliki teman pertukaran pelajar dari Indonesia. Ceritakan kepada mereka, tentang olahraga apa yang anda tonton atau mainkan di sekolah!
Which sporting club do you support and why?
Klub olahraga apa yang Anda dukung? Dan mengapa Anda mendukungnya?
Our experienced judges will be marking video entries based on the following criteria:
Content and Structure (15/50)
Vocabulary and Grammar (10/50)
Delivery (10/50)
Audience Awareness/Enthusiasm (5/50)
Clarity of Expression (10/50)
Participants can also download the comprehensive Marking Criteria.