Leadership Team

Jade Lee


Jade holds a double degree in a Bachelor of Business and Arts, majoring in Economics and Indonesian from Monash University. She was the president of AIYA Victoria in 2021 and has been involved in NAILA for the past 3 years. Her passion stems from her love of Indonesian back in high school and from her experiences in Indonesia. 

Jade has completed various internships including a risk consultancy firm, Hill & Associates in Jakarta, the AIBC (Australia Indonesia Business Council) in Melbourne and Global Victoria (Indonesia). She is currently working as a Graduate for ASG Group, an IT Consulting firm

Sophie Dawson

Programs Coordinator

Sophie holds a Bachelors degree in International Development, and recently graduated with a Masters of Logistics Management at UNSW. She is also continuing to study a Diploma of Indonesian language at Deakin University. 

For the past few years Sophie has worked as a Governance & Logistics Advisor for a Melbourne-based NGO. She is also an ACICIS alumni, where she worked with an environmental conservation organisation in East Java, researching plastic pollution in Indonesia’s waterways. 
In the future Sophie hopes to work in coordination of humanitarian response in the Asia Pacific region.

Khairun Nisya Hasnaniyah

Programs Officer

Icha is a final-year student studying Business Management at Bina Nusantara University. She has been working as a program assistant at the Directorate of Student Affairs, IPB University since 2021. Related to their current work, Icha has an interest in the Australian-Indonesian relationship and wants to implement their skill in education through NAILA. Also, she wanted to know more about the culture that had been built between this amazing two country. Icha's really like reading a book and one of the characters in Toy Story; "Buzz Lightyear". #To Infinity and Beyond!.

Caleb Walmsley

Language Coordinator

Caleb is currently teaching Indonesian at a secondary school in Shepparton, Victoria. Caleb is a graduate of Monash University after completing a Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts (with a major in Indonesian studies). While he was studying, Caleb joined the ACICIS Immersive Language Short Course in Salatiga (2018), was part of the AIYA Victoria Committee for two years, and was an AIYEP delegate in Jawa Timur (2019/20).

As Language Co-coordinator, Caleb is hoping to work with NAILA to inspire students in Australia to pursue Indonesian language learning

Ashanti Dayani A

Language Officer

Ashanti is a master's student majoring in TESOL and is passionate about promoting the Indonesian language to other countries, including Australia. She loves learning about Indonesian culture through traditional dance, songs, and literary works

Dianita Yuli

Language Officer

Dian is a devoted enthusiast of English Language Educator, placing her emphasis on people and culture across walks of life, inspired by her NAILA’s involvement. She has been lecturing for English for Specific Purposes, translating for academic articles across disciplines and liaising overseas campus partnerships.

Nandira Xavier

Language Officer

Nandira is currently studying a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (Indonesian Studies) at Monash University. She is passionate about strengthening the bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia and fostering cross-cultural understanding. 

As a previous Tertiary Awardee, Nandira hopes to motivate students across Australia in their Indonesian language learning! 

She is very excited to contribute her skills and enthusiasm to NAILA’s meaningful mission.

Angus Baranikow

Language Officer

Angus Baranikow is the Victoria Chapter President of the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA). As a previous executive category awardee, he hopes to assist and motivate others to continue developing their Indonesian skills and showcase the importance of the bilateral relationship.

Alexandra Lyons

Language Officer

Alexandra is currently studying a Bachelor of International and Global Studies majoring in Indonesian studies at The University of Sydney. Having studied the Indonesian language since kindergarten, she is passionate about learning about Indonesia’s cultural and linguistic diversity and sharing this knowledge with others by working as an Indonesian tutor. Alexandra was a 2023 New Colombo Plan Scholar where she spent 6 months studying at Universitas Indonesia followed by a 6 month internship at Bali Children Foundation. This solidified Alexandra’s goals of strengthening the Indonesian-Australian bilateral relationship.

Luthfia Putri Utami

Language Officer

Luthfia is currently working as a Language Assistant at the Department of Education in Western Australia. Having only one year in Australia makes her passionate to make Indonesia-Australia relations stronger through languages and cultures. That’s why she joined NAILA to further this mission

Jasmine Stephens

Partnerships Officer

Jasmine is currently studying a Masters of Applied Anthropology and Development at the Australian National University. She is also a pro bono Senior Research Associate with the Cross Sector Development Partnerships Initiative (XSPI). She started learning Indonesian at 10 years old, is an AIYEP alumni from 2023/24 and is passionate about strengthening Indonesia-Australia relations through cultural exchange. 

Anastasia Koo

Partnerships Coordinator

Anastasia is an passionate advocate for the Australia Indonesia bilateral relations and the importance of humanities and languages in higher education. Anastasia is a 2025 New Colombo Plan Scholar, currently studying Asian Studies and History at Murdoch University. Anastasia plans to study Indonesian in Yogjakarta and continue her field work in North Bali, focusing on how oral history impacts contemporary practices. She is also looking to intern at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta and the Southeast Asian Institute in Singapore.

Anastasia has a hollistic background in the public sectory, policy, research and leadership. She has worked at the Perth USAsia centre in developing micro-credential courses to foster cross cultural Australia - Indonesia understanding, and is a prominent emerging leader in Western Australia through her executive roles in AIYA and PPIA. She has been involved with NAILA for the last 2 years.

Tom Bartley

Partnerships Officer

Tom is currently an undergraduate at the University of Adelaide studying International Relations and Economics alongside Indonesian language. After having lived in Java while on exchange, he has worked passionately to promote the learning of Indonesian language and culture in South Australia, where he currently operates as a Partnerships Officer with the NAILA team.

Kimberly Gunawan

Finance Officer

Kimberly holds a commerce degree from UNSW and has exposure within the business and tech ecosystem in Australia and Indonesia. Having immersed in both countries, Kimberly enjoys learning more about both cultures especially through food. Through NAILA, Kimberly hopes to promote young people in learning about Australian and Indonesian culture. In her spare time, you can catch Kimberly swimming at the beach, cooking, or binge watching David Attenborough's documentaries.


Iqoh Khanafi

Communication Coordinator

Iqoh graduated from UIN Yogyakarta. She currently works as a Communication Officer in a translation company. She has passion for strengthening relationship between Indonesia and Australia, inspired by her involvement with AIYA since 2021. She actively contributes to NAILA as Communication Coordinator.

Muhammad Ramadhan

Communications Officer

Rama, a final year Electrical Engineering student in Bandung, serves as Communications Officer for NAILA and AIYA Jawa Barat. Passionate about fostering cultural exchange, he bolsters bilateral relations between Australia and Indonesia through youth-driven initiatives.