Award Categories


Grade 7 - 9
Australian citizen or permanent resident
Not a native Indonesian speaker

Speaking time

3 - 4 minutes




The theme for NAILA 2025 is ‘Sports’. Applicants may choose to present a speech on this year’s theme by answering the question “What are the benefits of engaging in sports and their communities?” OR one of the topics listed below.

Tema NAILA di tahun 2025 adalah ‘Olahraga’. Peserta dapat menyampaikan pidato yang berkaitan dengan tema tahun ini dengan menjawab pertanyaan “Apa manfaat terlibat dalam kegiatan Olahraga dan komunitasnya?” ATAU menggunakan salah satu dari topik-topik yang terpapar di bawah ini.

Learning outcomes

Achievement standard

Can use and respond to questions using: i.e. siapa, apakah, berapa, bagaimana, apa, di/ke/dari mana
Express preferences using: i.e. saya suka, kurang/tidak suka, mau/tidak mau
Letter ‘R’ is trilled and consonant ‘C’ is pronounced correctly (ch)
Can use formulaic expressions: i.e. saya tidak tahu, maaf, saya tidak mengerti to sustain interaction at interview stage
Can describe qualities of appearance, colour, character and condition: i.e. tinggi, merah muda, lucu, panas
Use of conjuctions: i.e. dan, tetapi, karena, untuk
Can form sentences with S-V-O construction: i.e. saya mau bermain sepak bola
Can use simple base words (makan, minum etc), ber-verbs (bermain, belajar etc) and formulaic me-verbs (menonton, mendengarkan)
Refer to others using pronouns (saya, kamu, dia, mereka, Bu/Pak etc) and can use in possessive form (nya)
Refer to events in time and place using prepositions (pada, di, ke) and time markers (sebelum, sesudah, yang lalu, depan)
Wider awareness of the world and Indonesia’s place in it
Can exchange facts, ideas and opinions using questions such as: bagaimana, mengapa and untuk apa?
Range of me-verbs are used
Range of pronouns and noun forms such as: ke-an, pe- and pe-an can be used
Use of embedded clauses with ‘yang’ to expand ideas
Cohesion and interest created by use of conjunctions such as: misalnya, seperti, termasuk, yaitu
Refer to past (yang lalu, dahulu, dulu), present (sedang, sambil, sementara, sedangkan) and future (akan, mau, kalau, besok, masa depan)
Engage with others using formulaic expressions and fillers such as: maaf, mohon diulangi, saya kurang memahami, oh begitu! dan kamu? dengan siapa?



Your Indonesian friends are visiting your school. Show them how to play your favourite sport.

Teman-teman Indonesia Anda mengunjungi sekolah Anda. Tunjukan pada mereka bagaimana cara memainkan olahraga favorit anda


For the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, which sports would you include and why?

Pada ajang Olimpiade Brisbane 2032, olahraga apa yang akan anda ikuti dan mengapa?!

Marking Criteria

Our experienced judges will be marking video entries based on the following criteria:


Content and Structure (15/50)


Vocabulary and Grammar (10/50)


Delivery (10/50)


Audience Awareness/Enthusiasm (5/50)


Clarity of Expression (10/50)

Participants can also download the comprehensive Marking Criteria.

In 2025, NAILA has developed a range of speech topics tailored to seven award categories under this year's competition theme, 'Sports', or 'Olahraga'. Please make sure that you familiarise yourself with the competition's guidelines by checking this year's Information Pack